今天,我们一起来学习提多书 2:11-15 的教导, 这是保罗写给提多,鼓励他该怎么教导带领希腊克里特岛的信徒。保罗在他到罗马途中,曾到那里传讲福音。
提多书 2:11-15 新译本
11 神拯救万人的恩典已经显明出来了。
12 这恩典训练我们除去不敬虔的心,和属世的私欲,在今生过着自律、公正、敬虔的生活,
13 等候那有福的盼望,就是我们伟大的 神,救主耶稣基督荣耀的显现。
14 他为我们舍己,为的是要救赎我们脱离一切不法的事,并且洁净我们作他自己的子民,热心善工。
15 你要传讲这些事,运用各样的权柄去劝戒人,责备人;不要让人轻看你。
第十一节, 神为了救赎我们,牺牲了祂的独生爱子,给了我们这恩典,这恩典就是耶稣。在英文版圣经“The Passion Translation”,就很清楚的说到,因这恩典,我们才配得神的爱。这恩典是无条件,神白白的赐给我们的恩惠。虽然这恩典是要给每一个人,但人有选择的权力。
Philip Yancey, 在他的著作,“这恩典有什么了不起?” (这是我自己的翻译),他写到“神爱我们就只因为祂是神,而不是因为我们有多好,或做了些什么”。许多人被现今的世界观的影响,认为我一定要做些什么,才能够被神接受,神才会爱我。
以弗所书 2:8-9 告诉我们, 我们得救是靠着恩典,不是出于自己,也不是出于行为,恩典是神所赐的。
我们所熟悉的浪子回头的故事, 那小儿子在他父亲还健在的时候,就向父亲要他那一份的财产。在华人的礼俗与传统,这有如在咒诅父亲早点死(si),很有可能被赶出家门,甚至登报断绝父子关系。当小儿子花尽了他的钱,饿到想吃喂猪的豆荚(jia), 才想到要回家。当他要到家的时候,是父亲先跑向儿子,还是等到儿子痛哭悔改后,才原谅他呢?
在路加福音 15:20-24, 我们看到 “当儿子还在远处时,他父亲看见了他,就动了慈心,跑过去抱着他,连连与他亲吻。还吩咐仆人把那最好的袍子拿来给他穿,把戒指戴在他手上,把鞋穿在他脚上。(PPT)把肥牛犊宰了,庆祝儿子的归来。对父亲来说,儿子是死而复活、失而又得的。这就是神的恩典。这恩典与一般人之常情,一般对公平、公义的理解,背道而驰。把恩典给于那不配得的。这就是神!
第十三节,说到等候那有福的盼望,救主耶稣基督荣耀的显现,指的就是耶稣基督的再来。希伯来书 9:28告诉我们, 将来他还要再一次显现,不是为担当罪,而是要向那些热切期待他的人成全救恩。因为耶稣基督把恩典带到这世上,我们才有这美好的盼望。
第十二节 教导我们除去不敬虔的心,和属世的私欲。要活得对,活得好,活得乐,我们就得学习自律、过公正与敬虔的生活。我们虚心学习基督的榜样,注意我们的言谈举此,不管对基督徒或非信徒,还有操练对神那敬虔的心。说到我们的言谈举此,我发觉我们很多时候对非信徒有多一些包容,对主内弟兄姐妹却比较苛刻(KeKe),多了一点批判。
第十四节 耶稣为我们舍己,为的是要救赎我们脱离一切不法的事,脱 离 一 切 罪 恶,并且洁净我们作他自己的子民,热心善工。
这是耶稣救主牌。有没有人第一次到教会所以没听过这品牌的?这是我儿子文宏的凉鞋。 有一天,他在上电动扶梯时,他凉鞋的前端,不知怎的被阶梯尖锐的梯齿给切断了。第一个想法就是他的脚趾有没有受伤,有没有被切断?感谢主!他的脚趾没有被切断,连一点伤痕都没有。
从圣经里,我们读到有人对耶稣吐口水,有人掌掴祂,有人用拳头揍祂,还有人打祂的头。 如果有人对你吐口水,打你巴掌,用拳头揍你,打你的头,而你又不能反抗,你会有什么感受?相信我们都会非常生气,感到被羞辱。看着耶稣基督那慈祥的脸,那唯一无罪的,为了我们,却要受尽这莫大的耻辱。
两个月前,我们见证了国王查尔斯三世的加冕仪式。士兵用荆棘(jīng jí)编成的冠冕,布满尖锐的刺,没有宝石。士兵们也不是轻轻的把冠冕放在耶稣的头上,而是用一个木棍,把带刺的冠冕,硬硬的压进耶稣的头。那些刺,深深的刺入耶稣的头颅,增加了祂的痛楚。
耶稣受尽了酷刑后,士兵们逼祂背起那充满木刺的十字架游街,走那苦难之路(Via Dolorosa)。那十字架的木,可不像你家的木制家私那么光滑。一般人,如果被一根小小的木刺(ci)刺到手指,就会痛得大叫。那十字架上的几十几百根木刺,深深的刺入耶稣那已血肉模糊的身躯。这一切,又是为了我们。
耶稣口渴了,祂向周围的人要口水喝。有人就用一个绑在树枝的海绵,浸了酒醋, 送到他的口里。十年前,我在华英崇拜曾分享过这个典故,让我在这里重复。那海绵,不是让士兵用来洗碗碟用的,那酒醋,更不是让士兵在各各他山上做沙律。那年代,没有上厕所的卫生纸。罗马人上了大号,就把海绵绑在树枝,沾了水清洗屁股。完事后,再用水把海绵洗干净,下一次备用。但清水洗不干净,他们都长了皮肤病。后来,他们发现酒醋能消毒,就用酒醋清洗海绵。
这张图让我们看到了罗马人的厕所文明。从现代人的角度,你口渴要喝水时,有人把用过但洗过的厕纸,浸了酒醋, 送到你口里。是不是很恶心?耶稣,为了你和我,再次受到极大的耻辱。
马太福音26章, 耶稣到客西马尼祷告,对他的门徒说:“我的心灵痛苦得快要死了;你们留在这里,与我一同警醒吧”。祂心里是悲痛到了极点。路加福音22章记载,祂祷告到汗如血(xue)点滴在地上。在现今的医学里,汗里含血的症状称为He-ma-ti-dro-sis,罕见却真实的医药状况。我们的汗腺(Hànxiàn)周围有细小的血管,会收缩扩张,破裂时血就会散布到汗腺,形成汗里有血。耶稣心里极度悲痛,造成血管破裂,血流到汗里。
在最后的晚餐,彼得对耶稣说:众人虽然 为你的缘故跌倒,我却永不跌倒。(我猜他应该会拍着胸膛大声说吧)他还说:我 就是必须和你同死,也总不能不认你。其他门徒也都这么说。但在客西马尼,当士兵们抓拿耶稣时,所有门徒与跟从耶稣的人,都一一逃走了。有一个年青人,为了逃脱,竟然脱掉衣服,赤裸的跑了。后来,彼得真的三次不认主。如果与你一起吃饭睡觉,一起同甘共苦三年多的兄弟,在最紧要关头背弃了你,想必我们会很伤心,失望,感到无助,孤单与被遗(yi)弃。
当耶稣在经历各种耻辱,酷刑时,我们的天父在天上默默的看着祂的爱子受苦。神只要动一动手指,就可以停止(chi)一切, 但祂为了成就这恩典,我相信祂咬紧牙根,泪流满面,忍受着心里的悲痛。因为約翰福音 3:16 告诉我们,“神爱世人,甚至将祂的独 生子赐给我们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡, 反得永生”。
第十四节的尾端提到,我们务必要“热心善工”。禧年堂的强项在于圣经教导。去年,我们读了约伯记,又刚刚结束了启示录。我们通过幸福小组与其他管道传福音。 但我观察到我们在“热心善工”方面可以再加强。禧年堂曾经在红山景办了养老院,八十年代初关闭。直到三十年后,在2010,我们才成立了禧年社区服务。我们在座的许多弟兄姐妹都曾经参与。
通过禧年社区服务,我们与中峇鲁的一些社区组织,在2011年开始了第一次的食物分派行动。今时今日,这食物分派行动已成为中峇鲁联络所每年的活动。在一次的分派活动中,一个租赁组屋的租户邀请我的孩子进屋与他的猫玩。 我孩子问我,“爸爸,为什么他们家没有睡房?”。在这些一房的租赁组屋,那房子就是他们的客厅,餐厅,睡房与书房。当我还是一名社工时,我曾经到一间一房的租赁组屋,那家的孩子正把饼干当午餐。
说到孩子,今年我有机会到巴淡岛的孤儿院去服侍。这孤儿院是印尼伯特利教会所办。目前由守寡的牧师娘经营。我先声明我待会所分享的照片,都已得到牧师娘的同意。巴淡岛的孤儿院没有新加坡孤儿院的丰富资源。牧师娘告诉我,他们都是凭信心祷告,等候神的供应。他们每天早上5.30am 开始崇拜祷告,为了不吵到邻居,只能把孤儿院设在工业区。
因为资源有限,很多时候孩子们的三餐就只有炒饭炒面,因为这是最实惠又吃得饱。虽然孩子们看起来营养不良,但他们心里充满喜乐。他们唱赞美诗“神的美好(英文为Goodness of God)”,当他们唱到“这一生你对我是多么的信实,这一生你对我真好”,我的心融化了。他们所拥有的非常少,但他们为仅有的感恩,喜乐。
就在我生日的早上,我收到一份非常温馨的礼物。(请大家一起看视频)。 我感受到那莫大的祝福,在灵里是多么的富足。
第14节提到的“热心善工”, 易于阅读译本的翻译是热衷于行善。热衷于行善不是在每个月的第一个主日,把奉献放入慈善奉献。热衷于行善也不是把你穿不下的旧衣服捐出来。热衷于行善就是要把你宝贵的时间腾出来,用上帝给你的资源、技能,来服侍那些有需要的人,就像耶稣怎样服侍周围的人。不是强制的,而是出于回馈神对我们的爱与恩惠,让神的恩典张显在我们身上。
哥林多后书 4:10提醒我们,我们身上常常带着耶稣的死,好让耶稣的生也在我们的身上显明出来。
1. 这恩典,是我们白白得着,不配得的。全因耶稣基督为我们死在十字架上。
2. 要活得对,活得好,活得乐 – 就得学习活出圣经的教导
3. 要传讲这恩典,鼓励大家一起活得对,活得好,活得乐
我们的一切都是为了你的国度 (阿门)
Blessed Sunday. Welcome to church.
Today we will be reading from Titus 2: 11-15. This is part of Paul’s letter to Titus, teaching how to guide the believers in Crete on right living. Crete is an island of Greece. From the map, you can see that Paul went there during his trip to Rome.
I will be referring to the NLT and TPT interchangeably. Let’s read together.
Titus 2: 11-15 (NLT)
11 For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people.
12 And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God,
13 while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will be revealed.
14 He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.
15 You must teach these things and encourage the believers to do them. You have the authority to correct them when necessary, so don’t let anyone disregard what you say.
We will be studying on verse 11 and 13, then followed by verse 12, 14 and 15. So keep your bible opened.
In verse 11, our Heavenly Father sacrificed his son Jesus, bringing salvation to us by dying on the cross, and this Grace is Jesus. The Passion Translation expounded on this verse, that this Grace makes us worthy of God’s love and acceptance. Grace is undeserved, unmerited favour from God. Although this salvation is for everyone, but people can choose if they want to accept it.
Philip Yancey, in his book “What’s so amazing about Grace”, wrote that “God loves us because of who God is, not because of who we are, or what we have done”. To many of us, we have this worldly idea that we must do something in order to be accepted, in order to be loved.
I was counselling this young man. He used to attend church but stopped going as he feels that he is not worthy for God. He fell into temptations again and again, feeling more unworthy and dirty. He believes that God sees him only in his sins, and no longer love him. He begins to develop anxiety, feels insecure, and avoided going near God. From today’s scripture, did Grace reached out to us first, or was it our good deed which made us worthy of this Grace?
In Eph 2:8-9, we were told that we are saved by Grace, it is a gift from God, and not a reward for the good things we have done.
In the story of the prodigal son, the younger son asked his father for his share of the inheritance while his father is still alive. In Asian culture, this is definitely a NO NO, it is like cursing your father to die early. You try doing that and see what your father will do to you. Probably disown you and kick you out of the house.
When the son spent all the money, he was so hungry that he wanted to eat the pig food, but decided to return to his father’s home. Did the father reached out to the son first or did he wait for the son to cry and repent before embracing and forgiving him?
In Luke 15:20-24, we were told that “While the son was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him. Then his father ordered his servants to get the finest robe and put it on his son; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Slaughtered a fattened calf to celebrate his return. Yes, the father reached out to the son despite his wrong doing. This Grace goes against human understanding of fairness, justice, societal norms, showing grace to the undeserved. This is our God!
Verse 13 speaks of Jesus 2nd coming, appearing as the Saviour, in the glory of our Heavenly Father. Hebrews 9:28 tells us that “He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him”. Because of Jesus, Grace was brought to the world, and we have this wonderful hope of Jesus returning.
All of us, living in the time and space between His 1st appearance and 2nd coming, are not to sit around waiting for His return. We are to live in accordance to the teachings of verse 12, 14 and 15, with the consciousness of Christ returns. This Grace not only brought salvation, but also teaches us how to live right, live well and live happily.
Verse 12 taught us to “turn away from godless living and sinful pleasures”, to “live right, live well and live happily” is to live in a self-controlled manner, practice righteousness, pursue holiness, be devoted to God, while anticipating His 2nd coming. We need to mould ourselves to be Christ-like; mindful of our behaviour towards others, both non-Christians and Christians alike.
Talking about our behaviour towards others, I realised that we Christian sometime show more grace to non-Christians than fellow brothers and sisters. We have the tendency to be judgemental towards one another.
Verse 14 spoke about Jesus dying for us on the cross, to redeem us from our sin, and made us His very own. We are to be like Him, with the passion to do good deeds.
In the Greek translation on the 1st part of verse 14, we are a people encircled by God himself, just like a circle surrounds a dot. We belong to Him, by grace, and are surrounded by his love. His Grace does not stop at Salvation, but accompanies us in our daily life, and HE watches over us as we are his very own.
Has anyone seen this new design of slippers? Guess what brand it is?
This is JOS, “Jesus Our Saviour” brand. Anyone here attending our church for the 1st time and has never heard about this brand?
This special pair of slippers belonged to my son Zephan. He was going up the escalator one day and the sharp escalator steps cut off the front of his slippers. The first thing that came to our mind was are his feet OK? Are his toes injured? We have read in the newspaper that many children were injured by the sharp edges of the escalators. Praise the Lord! There was NOT a single scratch on his feet and ALL his toes are intact. He was still laughing about it.
This is only possible because he wore the “Jesus Our Saviour” brand slippers (sound like advertisement isn’t it?). We give thanks that Jesus watches over Zephan and lifted his feet to prevent his toes from being cut off by the sharp edges of the escalator. He was indeed surrounded and protected by Jesus. Get yourself a pair of “Jesus Our Saviour” slippers as this Grace is FREE.
While this Grace is free for us, Jesus paid a heavy price to redeem us. He went through humiliation, pain, tortures and heartaches. He suffered biological, physical and psychological abuse. I would like all of us to connect to our five senses and emotions as I share what Jesus did for you and me.
In the bible, we read that people spat at him, slapped him, punched him, and hit his head. How would you feel when someone spat right at your face, slapped you left and right, punched you, hit your head and you could not retaliate? Believe we would be very angry, feel humiliated and shamed. Can you imagine our saviour, who did no sin, had to suffer these humiliations just for you and me.
The soldiers whacked Jesus with a Roman Flagrum, not the thin cane that your mother ran after you when you were young. The leather strips were embedded with metal and sharp bones. Every stroke, the sharp metal and bones drove deep into Jesus flesh and tore it apart. Though the Jewish practice is not more than 40 lashes, but the Roman soldiers probably did not follow the Jewish practice but just whacked to their heart content. I can imagine Jesus clenching his fists, biting his teeth, enduring all these pains, just for us.
In April, we witnessed the coronation of King Charles of England. His crown was filled with precious stones, but Jesus’ crown was made from local thorn bushes. The soldiers did not place the crown of thorns gently on Jesus head, but they forced it into his head with a wooden pole, the thorns went deep in and inflicted more pain on Jesus.
They made Jesus carried the cross full of splinters and paraded through the Via Dolorosa. The wooden cross was not smooth like your home wooden furniture but full of big and small splinters. For us, a little splinter in our finger would give us so much pain. Imagine the splinters piercing into Jesus’ sore back and shoulder, causing further pain.
Jesus also suffered the pain of being nailed through his wrist and his feet. When the cross was lifted up, the pull of gravity increased the pain at his nail pierced hands and feet. Not only had he to fight the excruciating pain from this pull, the splinters from the wooden cross went deeper into his already sore and bloody body.
When Jesus was thirsty and asked for a drink, someone dipped a sponge on a stick with wine vinegar and gave it to him. Some years back, I shared at this service what this sponge on a stick and vinegar was about. Can anyone remember this? Let me share again just for those who missed it.
The sponge was not for the soldiers to wash their pots and pans. The wine vinegar was not for them to make salad at the hill of Golgotha. During those times, there was no toilet paper. The Romans would use sponge on a stick, dip it in water, to clean their buttock after doing their big business. They would wash the sponge with water and keep it for future use. However, they started to develop skin disease as water was unable to fully cleanse the sponge. As such, they found out that soaking and washing the sponge with wine vinegar disinfects the sponge and they no longer get skin problem.
Take a look at this ancient Romans’ toilet. Imagine when you ask for water, someone soaks a used toilet paper with wine vinegar and feed it to you. I believe you will be so disgusted and would never use vinegar in your salad again. Jesus went through yet another humiliation for us.
In Matt 26, Jesus went to Gethsemane to pray. He told his disciples, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” It must have pained him so much that he grief to the point of death. Luke 22 recorded that He was in such agony of spirit that his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood.
In today’s medical term, this is called He-ma-ti-dro-sis, a rare but very real medical condition that causes one’s sweat to contain blood. Our sweat glands are surrounded by tiny blood vessels that can constrict and then dilate to the point of rupture, causing blood to effuse into the sweat glands. Jesus was in extreme anguish that his blood vessels burst, and blood flowed into his sweat glands.
At the last supper, Peter told Jesus, “Even if everyone else leave you, I will never leave you.”, (I believe he could have boosted with this action). Peter also said, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!” All the other disciples also vowed the same. At Gethsemane, when the soldiers arrested Jesus, all His disciples and followers ran away and abandoned Him. One young man actually ran away naked so as not to be caught. In the end, we read that Peter did denied Jesus 3X.
How would you feel if your disciples who ate, sleep and journeyed with you for 3 years abandoned you at such crucial moment? I believe you would feel sad, disappointed, helpless and lonely.
While Jesus was suffering, our Heavenly Father was watching silently from above, seeing His beloved son abused and tortured. God just needed to lift a finger, He would have stopped Jesus’ suffering and changed history. I believe He was biting His teeth, clenching His fists, with tears flowing down his cheek and a broken heart, just for the completion of this Grace. As it was written in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Our Heavenly Father went through all these pains, for you and me.
At the end of verse 14, we were told to be “totally committed to doing good deeds”. Jubilee Church’s strength is in pulpit ministry and biblical studies. We studied the book of Job last year and just completed Revelation recently. We share gospels via 幸福小组 and other initiatives. But I observed one area that we can do a little more. Can anyone tell me?
(Hint: it is mentioned in verse 14). Yes, we can do more in our commitment in doing good deeds. Jubilee Church operated an elderly home at Bukit Merah View but ceased operation in the early 80’s. Thirty years later, in 2010, we started our very own Jubilee Community Service, which many of you had participated.
(From the photos, some of you have grown up, and some of you have grown younger). Through JCSC, we launched the first community food distribution at Tiong Bahru in 2011 with our community partners. Today, it is a regular activity led by Tiong Bahru CC.
I recalled during one of the many food distribution at the rental blocks, my children were invited by the residents to enter their unit to play with their cat. After the event they asked me, “Daddy, is this their house? How come there is no bed room?”. In these one room rental unit, the whole unit is probably the size of your bed room. The space you see is their living room, dining-room, bed room and study-room. I recalled when I was working as a social worker, the children living in one of the rental units were having cream-crackers for lunch as there was no other food at home.
We are eating less because we are on a diet, to lose weight. These children from the lower socioeconomic status are eating little because they have no food.
Talking about children, I was introduced to an orphanage in Batam this year, operating under the umbrella of Gereja Bethel Indonesia, translated as Indonesia Bethel Church. Before I continue, I must declare that I have gotten consent to share the pictures. The orphanage does not receive funding or assistance like the orphanages in Singapore. The person running the orphanage is the widow of the late founding pastor. She told me that operating the orphanage is a faith journey, with lots of prayers, and waiting upon the Lord to supply all their needs. They start the day with worship and prayers at 5.30am. In order not to disturb any neighbour, they have to be housed in an industrial estate.
The lower level is the place of worship, and the upper level is where the children reside. Some of the children living there are not orphan but their parents are so poor that they could not provide for them or send them to school. Due to limited resources, the children meals are usually fried rice or noodles as these are the cheapest to fill their stomach.
Although the children attend English classes in school, only two are able to read or speak English. However, they could sing and worship God in English. When I heard them sing the worship song Goodness of God, “all my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so so good”, my heart melted. Most of the children look malnourished, they have very little, but they are so full of joy, and they praise God for the little they have.
Every year, my wife and I would go for a couple trip to re-kindle our marriage (those who attended my Marriage Preparation Programme would know the importance). This year, we decided to channel the money meant for our trip to bless the children at the orphanage.
We had the privilege to go shopping for the children’s school shoes, cabinets for their clothing, and blessed them with groceries. See the joy of the children showing off their shoes.
When we got to know that a few of the children could not go to school because they have no sponsor for their school fees, we visited the school to understand their situation and sponsored them. These two children got to know that we sponsored their education, they gave my wife a BIG hug to say thank you. Aren’t these photos very heart-warming?
When you see the happy faces of these children, what do you see? To me, I see Jesus, not the orphans or the widow. Jesus taught us that “whatever we do for one of the least, we do it for Jesus”. He also told us that “It is more blessed to give than to receive”.
On my birthday morning, I received a big surprise blessing from Batam (see video). I felt so blessed, and I was so rich & full in the spirit.
In verse 14, the words “totally committed to doing good deeds” was translated by the Chinese Easy to Read Version as热衷于行善. 热衷于行善is not about putting your money into our Charity Offering every first Sunday of the month. 热衷于行善is not about donating your old clothes because you put on weight and can no longer wear them.
热衷于行善is about allocating some of your precious time, parting with your possessions, utilising the skills God has blessed you with, and follow what Jesus did by serving the last, the lost and the least. Not out of obligation, but out of gratitude and love, and be transformed by God’s grace.
Verse 15 told us to preach these truths and exhort others to follow them. We are to preach this Grace, this undeserved unmerited favour from God. In order to live right, live well and live happily, we are to remind and encourage one another to say NO to ungodliness and indulgent lifestyle, be aware and mindful of our behaviour, to show and practice Grace daily, be committed in doing good deeds. In summary, we are to educate, to encourage and to rebuke, but not taking a judgemental stance.
Not by mere words and end up NATO, but by our daily living, putting our faith into actions. That was what Pastor Wei Kang taught us last year on Living Out Our Faith. Many people like to give advice and comment. WE like to play the consultant role. I had people telling me that I should do this and that, but when I asked for contribution and help, I received dead silent or excuses. All words but NO action.
Look at Jesus, He taught in words, He also demonstrated how to be a servant through his action. Let’s remind one another that we should not just teach with words, but through our actions like Jesus.
2 Cor 4:10 reminded us, we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
As you leave church today, I hope you bring back three things:
1. This Grace, the undeserved unmerited favour, was given to us freely, but Jesus suffered and died for us on the cross.
2. To Live Right, Live Well & Live Happily, we are to live in accordance to biblical teachings
3. We are to preach this Grace, encourage one another to Live Right, Live Well and Live Happily.
Let me end today’s sermon with a prayer using the lyrics from the song Hosanna. May these words speak to us each day.
May our Heavenly Father,
“Heal OUR heart and make it clean
Open OUR eyes to the things unseen
Show US how to love, like Jesus have loved US
Break OUR heart for what breaks Yours
Everything I am for Your kingdom’s cause” Amen.
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