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Psalm 20 is a psalm of David, presumably written for congregational worship. It was to be recited before a battle, while the next psalm which Rev WeiKang will explore next…
Psalm 20 is a psalm of David, presumably written for congregational worship. It was to be recited before a battle, while the next psalm which Rev WeiKang will explore next…
Today’s proverb comes from King Lemuel’s mother, and it holds a special place in Proverbs for 2 reasons: one, King Lemuel and his mother were likely foreigners; two, while most…
Today’s proverb comes from King Lemuel’s mother, and it holds a special place in Proverbs for 2 reasons: one, King Lemuel and his mother were likely foreigners; two, while most…
今天经文的主题是亲子关系(parent-child relationship),而我们要来探讨育儿(parenting)这个课题。让我们先从育儿方式(parenting style)开始讲起。Baumrind的育儿方式归类法 【1】是最通用,也最简单的。Baumrind把育儿方式分成四大类别。下面的类型是低回应(low responsiveness)与关爱(love and warmth)的两种类型。左下角:如果你低回应与关爱,又低要求与管控(low demandingness and control),那就是忽视型父母(neglectful)。这当然就是最糟糕的育儿方式,让孩子自生自灭,等于根本没有任何的养育行为。右下角:如果你是低回应与关爱,但至少还有高要求与管控,就是专制型父母(authoritarian)。这让我联想到那种军令如山,又严格又冷漠的父亲。上面两种是高回应与关爱的两种类型。左上角:如果你是高回应与关爱,但低要求与管控,就是溺爱型父母(permissive)。这让我联想到现今许多娇生惯养的孩子问题。专制型的父亲就会品评溺爱型的母亲为“慈母多败儿”。这两种模式刚好对立。但都不是最平衡的育儿类型。 【2】右上角:高回应与关爱,又高要求与管控,就是权威型父母(authoritative)。或我比较喜欢的翻译是引导型父母(nurturing)。这当然是最理想型的育儿方式。研究发现这样的育儿方式的孩子长大也是最成功,最少问题的。 你是哪一种父母?就问自己两个问题。第一,你的孩子有心事会主动跟你讲吗?若是常常讲就是高回应,而如果很少或甚至没有讲过就是低回应。用频率做标准,你就可以大概评估你的回应和关爱程度到底有多高。 第二个问题:你有多常探讨你的孩子关于纪律或态度的事情?可以是礼貌,或待人处事的课题。也可以是你有多常过问你的孩子关于学业成绩或甚至事业成就的事情?同样以频率做标准你就知道你对孩子的要求程度是靠左,还是靠右。你次数越多,当然就越靠右。问完这两个问题后,你到底属于是哪一种父母? 我想用这个简单的四种归类法来评估箴言的模式,也就是我们今天的经文。由于经文很长,我用简略的方式来讲解。这里智言的号数是以NIV的编号来定义。 12. Listen to wisdom, keep it in your heart, and apply it. (v. 12) 留心领受训诲,侧耳听从知识的言语。 13….
There are three sub-series in our Proverbs sermon series. The first sub-series was Proverbs 1-9 which was an introduction to encourage us to pursue Wisdom and avoid the temptations of…
There are three sub-series in our Proverbs sermon series. The first sub-series was Proverbs 1-9 which was an introduction to encourage us to pursue Wisdom and avoid the temptations of…
The Chinese have a saying: Sickness enters from the mouth, troubles exit from the mouth (病从口入,祸从口出). Proverbs have a similar saying. Proverbs 18: 6 The lips of fools bring them…
The Chinese have a saying: Sickness enters from the mouth, troubles exit from the mouth (病从口入,祸从口出). Proverbs have a similar saying. Proverbs 18: 6 The lips of fools bring them…
Today’s topic on Proverbs is listening. It is also a collective term that includes all forms of information gathering and learning 【1】, such as reading (if it is literature), watching…
Today’s topic on Proverbs is listening. It is also a collective term that includes all forms of information gathering and learning 【1】, such as reading (if it is literature), watching…
This is the third sermon in a row, from Proverbs 5 to 7, where we will talk about “the adulterous woman” (v.5). There are 2 ways to interpret this woman….
This is the third sermon in a row, from Proverbs 5 to 7, where we will talk about “the adulterous woman” (v.5). There are 2 ways to interpret this woman….
In ancient Jewish tradition, the father is responsible for giving this message of Proverbs 1-9 to his son. If you have been paying attention to the first 3 sermons of…
In ancient Jewish tradition, the father is responsible for giving this message of Proverbs 1-9 to his son. If you have been paying attention to the first 3 sermons of…
Throughout Proverbs 1-9, the phrase that is often repeated is “my son”. And so, the most direct way to apply these instructions in Proverbs 1-9 is to think of them…
In today’s passage, Jesus spelled out clearly why he said what he said: 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this…
In today’s passage, Jesus spelled out clearly why he said what he said: 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this…
Tonight is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. We have chosen to begin the period of Lent with the story about Judas’ betrayal of Jesus, which serves as a bleak…