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Introduction As you know, our church is beginning a new sermon series that relates to worship. Pastor Siow Hwee started with the first one last week on Word in Worship….
Introduction Today is Gospel Sunday! If it is your first time here with us, welcome to Jubilee Church. When I was asked to preach on this special day, I asked…
Key Verse: Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. 箴言16: 18 骄傲在败坏以先,内心高傲在跌倒之前。 1. Introduction Recently, I have been reading various stories from the Aesop’s Fable…
Introduction The story of Job has mystified many people for centuries. Like Job, we have many questions but little answers. 【1】 Here was a wealthy and pious man from the…
Questions: What does Paul mean when he said the Galatian church was running well? They have been faithful in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. What issues were they facing…
Outline: 1.Where is God’s dwelling place? •the courts, your altars (temple), your house, Zion…church, our hearts (modern context) •Bonhoeffer: “What Mount Zion and the temple were for the Israelites is…
Notes: 1. Introduction 2. Spiritual people vs. People of the flesh (Jealousy and strife) a. Milk (infants of Christ) vs solid food (mature Christians) 3. Major problem in the church…
Background – 1 Sam 19:11-17 The context of the psalm today was a story of David’s great escape found in 1 Sam 19:11-17. It details of how David had escaped…
Introduction Today’s passage has been suggested by some to be “the most difficult passage to be found anywhere in the Gospel.” [1] Its difficulty involves interpreting certain key words like…
Introduction Stephen has been remembered in history as the first martyr of the Christian faith. The first of “seven men of good repute” to be chosen as the first deacons…
The story about the healing of the lame man actually begins in Acts 3:1. Peter and John were going up to the temple to pray, at the ninth hour, which…
Introduction This parable was told to Jesus’ disciples, after some Pharisees had asked about the kingdom of God in the earlier chapter. Jesus introduces two characters here: 1) an unrighteous…
Introduction The story of Noah is both fascinating and yet, controversial, at the same time. Most of us are familiar with the story of Noah’s ark and the Great Flood,…
Introduction Have you ever been hurt by something someone said to you? Have you ever said something and regret it the moment after you said it? Human speech is very…
Introduction Who of us here have never experienced any trials or temptation in our lives? No one? I believe that all of us have experienced some forms of trials and…
Introduction Who of us here have never experienced any trials or temptation in our lives? No one? I believe that all of us have experienced some forms of trials and…
Introduction As we continue our Lenten sermon series from the Gospel according to Mark, we continue to explore the final hours of Jesus’ life on earth before his arrest and…
Introduction Last week, Pastor Siow Hwee began with a joke about “Jesus saves” and because “Jesus saves” and “Satan does not”, “Jesus’ work” was restored after the blackout. Last week’s…
Introduction Today’s sermon touched on the theme of social justice. But social justice only gives us the context of God’s judgment. It is not the main focus of the passage….