Tanakh and Talmud • What is the Jewish Canon? The Tanakh is the Jewish canon of the Hebrew Bible (known to us Christians as the “Old Testament”). Sometimes it is…
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Tanakh and Talmud • What is the Jewish Canon? The Tanakh is the Jewish canon of the Hebrew Bible (known to us Christians as the “Old Testament”). Sometimes it is…
Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who lived and died in the Netherlands during WWII. When her family was hiding in Amsterdam from German Nazis, she kept a diary…
Introduction The Book of Esther tells of how a beautiful Jewish girl became the queen of Persia and saved her people from a plot to destroy all the Jews, during…
Introduction When I was preparing for today’s sermon, I was awe-struck with the whole spirit of Christmas. Not many of us would have the experience to celebrate Christmas with our…
Outline: Introduction (v. 13) 1. Our confidence when we pray (vv. 14-15) 2. The sin which does not lead to death and the sin which leads to death (vv. 16-17)…
引言 今天,我们来看约翰一书的总结。约翰这封信的目的是要鼓励群体的基督徒保持信心。因为许多信徒被可疑的神学影响,而离开了(主要是诺斯 替主义和幻影论)。这些分裂分子以前是与约翰同一个群体。他们 离开后,仍然称自己为基督徒,但他们的神学不是基督徒的,而是当年的异端。他们不相信耶稣道成肉身,耶稣的死没有带来拯救。约翰称教导这些可疑神学的人为敌基督,或 “反基督”。约翰强烈的对待这些分裂分子,因为他们扭曲了耶稣的真理。他们说服那些仍然在教会里的离开。约翰不是为教堂人数 战斗,他是为真理而战斗。他反对当时的歪理邪说,帮助其他基督徒持守真实的福音。我们首先看 13节。 13我 将 这 些 话 写 给 你 们 信 奉 神 儿 子 之 名 的 人 , 要 叫 你 们…
Introduction (v. 1) The overarching message of 1 John is: Christian love. The author has been encouraging the Christian community to “love one another as he (Jesus Christ) commanded us”…
Introduction On 15th Apr 1989, 96 Liverpool fans were physically crushed to death at Hillsborough stadium during the FA Cup semi-finals between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. The Hillsborough Disaster remains…
Introduction I love gangster movies. From the Academy award winner, The Godfather, to the Hong Kong, Young and Dangerous (古惑仔) series, I love the drama and action, and especially a…
Introduction Someone describes Samson’s death as “one final climatic act of violence”[1]! Some has called it “Holy Revenge” (Joost van den Vondel)! Was Samson’s death a victory or a tragedy?…
Introduction “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord, so the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines for forty years” (v. 1). Even though…
Introduction Some of us may have heard of this old idiom, a “chip on one’s shoulder”. This English idiom originated during the 19th century in the United States, where people…
Introduction The theme of vengeance is very popular in our culture. Especially as portrayed in the movies, from Bruce Lee’s Way of the Dragon (1972) to Alan Moore’s graphic novel…
Introduction What’s amazing about the story of Gideon is neither the miracles that God performs through him, nor the signs that God grants to him, but rather, it is about…
Introduction Judges 4.1-24 is an epic story about how God brought victory to Israel by overthrowing the oppressive Canaanites. The story parallels the Exodus event when God rescued Israel from…
Introduction The book of Judges records the darkest period of Israel’s history. It records the rise and fall of Israel. It contains many interesting stories about the heroes of Israel….
Introduction For the last few weeks, the pastoral team has preached a series of sermons from the Gospel according to Luke. In this season of Advent, we begin with the…
Introduction The Announcement of Jesus’ birth has been told to us in two Gospels, Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-38. While Matthew looks at the announcement of Jesus’ birth from Joseph’s…
Introduction: Psalm 134 is the last and concluding psalm in the series of psalms (from Ps. 120-134) known as the Songs of Ascent. We know that these psalms were often…
上行诗诗篇134篇的讲道 (诗134:1-3) 1耶和华的众仆人哪!你们要称颂耶和华;夜间在耶和华殿中侍候的,你们要称颂耶和华。 2你们要向圣所举手祷告,称颂耶和华。 3愿造天地的耶和华,从锡安赐福给你们。 诗 篇134是上行诗的最后一首诗篇。我们知道这些诗,主要是用在唱诗,祷告,祝福和鼓励,遥远离开家里的朝圣者唱的。我们不能明确知道谁写这些诗篇,但很可 能是几个人写的。总的来说,它们就像今天在教会里唱的诗歌一样。它们常说到过去的故事,给被在逼迫中的人带来希望。但不管以色列受多少的苦,他们一直相信 信实的神会带领他们度过痛苦的时候。 在这最后向神赞美的诗,诗人命令所有夜间服侍的仆人,利 未祭师,”来称颂耶和华”。这不是请求,而是命令:”来!” 诗人命令在圣殿里夜间服侍的祭师向耶和华祷告和赞美。因为诗篇里面的”耶和华的殿”可能是能移动的约柜,或[huò]是所罗门所建那不能动的圣殿 。利未祭师24小时看守殿中的圣物, 使它们不被亵渎,贵重的东西不被偷。 祭坛的火和蜡烛的光都不可以熄灭。 我 们要怎么称颂耶和华呢?”称颂”原来的意思是赞美和感恩。换句话说,称颂耶和华就是敬拜神。每逢星期天,我们在教会里敬拜,我们其实就是在称颂耶和华。我 们从诗篇可以学习到无论在什么地方,什么时间都可以敬拜神。我们以为星期天早上最适合敬拜神,但以色列不是这样认为。利未祭师被户召夜间敬拜。这是重要的 真理。白天黑夜都要敬拜神。时间不能控制我们几时敬拜创造主。我们是没有特别适合的时间来敬拜上主。每当我们敬拜上帝,就是适当的时候。这就是上主的时 间! 有时,当我们晚上睡不着,也许我们可以花一点时间向耶和华唱诗。或静默思想神,反省他永 恒的话语。有时,深夜的时候,可以帮助我们更集中精神读圣经。没有干扰,音乐,讲话的吵闹声。只有你和圣经,专心思想神。学习在神面前静默,清楚知道他是 神。特别在安静的夜晚,更是美妙的经验。你如果有机会,我希望你能找时间在家里尝试。 我们可以在那里敬拜神?哪里都可以!诗篇里面告诉我们,神的仆人在圣殿敬拜是因为他们是在圣殿夜间服侍。如果他们在旷野,那么就会写成在旷野敬拜。神的子民在那里,就在那里敬拜。第二节其中一个翻译是在圣所举起双手。 原 来的意思不是指地方,而是指方向对着向神。所以正确的的翻译因该是”向圣所”,向神的所在。只要我们敬拜的中心向着神,在那里并不重要。我们可以在贫民窟 敬拜主。教会是圣所不是因为建筑物神圣,而是因为圣洁的神在里面。敬拜神的地方就是圣洁的地方。我们在任何地方都能向神敬拜,而不局限可以敬拜的地方。 我 们怎么敬拜神呢?诗人叫我们”举起双手”。当我们举手敬拜时,我们是操练古老祷告赞美的方式。这是传统敬拜手势。当然,以色列不是唯一用这个手势的。许多 古代近东民族都举手敬拜,有些陷入昏迷,潜意识念咒,牺牲婴孩。这些神都厌恶。我们要知道敬拜的对象是谁,我们的神没有要求这样神秘的操练。有些人不习惯…