Psalm 80: Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth 2 before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh. Awaken…
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Psalm 80: Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth 2 before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh. Awaken…
I. Most of us must have heard of Nick Vujicic, Christian motivational speaker born without arms and legs. It’s a truly adverse circumstance for anyone to be born into. Congenital…
I. Most of us must have heard of Nick Vujicic, Christian motivational speaker born without arms and legs. It’s a truly adverse circumstance for anyone to be born into. Congenital…
Shalom. Blessed Mothers’ Day to all mothers, not forgetting those in the cry room. Can we invite all mothers to rise, those whom can’t stand for long may continue sitting….
Psalm 81: 你们当向神我们的力量大声欢呼,向雅各的神发声欢乐! 2 唱起诗歌,打手鼓,弹美琴与瑟! 3 当在月朔并月望,我们过节的日期吹角! 4 因这是为以色列定的律例,是雅各神的典章。 5 他去攻击埃及地的时候,在约瑟中间立此为证。我在那里听见我所不明白的言语, 6 神说:“我使你的肩得脱重担,你的手放下筐子。 7 你在急难中呼求,我就搭救你。我在雷的隐密处应允你,在米利巴水那里试验你。(细拉) 8 我的民哪,你当听,我要劝诫你!以色列啊,甚愿你肯听从我! 9 在你当中不可有别的神,外邦的神你也不可下拜。 10 我是耶和华你的神,曾把你从埃及地领上来。你要大大张口,我就给你充满。 11 “无奈我的民不听我的声音,以色列全不理我。 12 我便任凭他们心里刚硬,随自己的计谋而行。 13 甚愿我的民肯听从我,以色列肯行我的道! 14 我便速速制伏他们的仇敌,反手攻击他们的敌人。 15…